Volume 12 - Number 1, Spring 2013

Paraclete: in Greek "one who comes alongside in order to help."

Back to the complete Spring Edition.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome New Paraclete Associates

Tom and Bonnie Kopp
Tom was born and raised in Africa to missionary parents. He and his wife, Bonnie, served for 27 years in Africa, before returning to work in the US office of Africa Evangelical Fellowship. They both currently teach at Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon. In 2011, Tom and Bonnie will begin ministry as Paraclete associ¬ates in the areas of member care, coaching, consulting and missions training.

Byron Hurlburt
J. Byron Hurlburt was born in Belgian Congo, now Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where his parents were missionaries – as were his grandparents. At the age of twelve, he prayed to trust in Jesus Christ as his Savior. Two years later he began doing evange¬lism, which he has continued to this day. He began his education at Wheaton College in 1951, where he met his wife, Carol. Together they were involved in mission work in Chicago for nearly fifteen years. Since 1979 they have been serving primarily in Africa, coaching and mentoring Christian workers in the DRC and Uganda.

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